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Parsoid/mobile-html does not render Graphs because it is JS-only content
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Dbrant renamed this task from {{Wikidata/Population}} in ru Wikipedia render to nothing in Android app to {{Wikidata/Population}} in ru Wikipedia render to nothing in mobile-html.Feb 22 2021, 1:55 PM
Dbrant updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Aklapper No, I believe it's upstream from that, probably Parsoid , since it behaves similarly with the html endpoint:

It seems like Parsoid is going to need a native implementation in order to get this to work. That's filed as T272942

It looks like the graph extension collects a bunch of state,

<div class="center" style="width:auto; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"><div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom;"><div class="mw-graph mw-graph-always mw-graph-nofallback" style="min-width:700px;min-height:300px" data-graph-id="3a2f544de7ab64fc3b6db8eef0c90b766057d6a5"></div></div></div>

and then pushes a script into the head that's used to render the graphs,

"year,month,day,population\n1897,07,01,12\n1909,07,01,7\n1921,07,01,24\n1959,07,01,80 ...
TheDJ renamed this task from {{Wikidata/Population}} in ru Wikipedia render to nothing in mobile-html to Parsoid/mobile-html does not render Graphs because it is JS-only content.Jan 26 2022, 8:53 PM