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Remove IE<9 CSS hacks from portals CSS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The portals repo was created with ancient browsers like IE6 in mind, and thus included CSS hacks to account for these ancient browser quirks. Since browsers lower than IE9 cannot access Wikimedia properties due to TLS 1.2 limitations, it makes sense to remove these hacks from the codebase.

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Change 672011 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ishan Saini; owner: Ishan Saini):
[wikimedia/portals@master] Remove unnecessary IE<9 CSS hacks from portals CSS

I think we can also correct the conditional comments here, for versions less than or equal to 9. Make it a rule just for equal IE9.

I have added a patch which fulfill all the criterias mentioned above.

Change 672011 merged by jenkins-bot:
[wikimedia/portals@master] Remove unnecessary IE<9 CSS hacks from portals CSS

Tsiruot removed Tsiruot as the assignee of this task.
Tsiruot subscribed.