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Netbox: convert validation reports into field validation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As of Netbox 2.10 it's possible to set field validation on custom fields for min/max/regex values.
We should convert the same functionalities that we currently check as part of reports directly into the validation of the fields to prevent in the first place the wrong data to be inserted.

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Event Timeline

Volans triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 17 2021, 9:03 PM
Volans created this task.

@crusnov maybe you can have a look?

Yep, will do.

ayounsi claimed this task.
ayounsi subscribed.

I added ^T\d{5,}$ for the procurement task, expecting new (and slightly old) procurement to match.
The other custom fields are either numbers, dates or pre-set words, so no need for extra validation.