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Prepare/import debian packages for openstack trove
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The notes at suggest that Zigo has been building packages but I don't see anything in our bpo. Probably I'm missing something obvious.

These are the packages we need (although this may not be complete due to dependencies)

python-trove (or more likely python3-trove)

Event Timeline

aborrero triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 26 2021, 10:31 AM
aborrero moved this task from Inbox to Doing on the cloud-services-team (Kanban) board.

Poked some folks. Yes, the packages are missing, apparently we are just 1 click away in the debian openstack build pipeline to have them in the bpo repos.

I think we will have backported packages for Train and Ussuri as soon as the rsync runs at 08:00 UTC.

I think we will have backported packages for Train and Ussuri as soon as the rsync runs at 08:00 UTC.

I don't think this happened, although it may be that I'm looking in the wrong place. I see client and horizon packages but nothing to run Trove itself.

True, I'm checking what's going on.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-03-30T14:32:01Z] <arturo> manually start update-openstack-mirror.service on sodium (T278505)

The Train package is missing at least one important patch which ought to be in train, 8fc0b7695d8e74e9ff45ca4e1857eccbea81726c

I've worked around this with

If we get a fresher build of the debian packages I'll upgrade things and discard that hack; otherwise this should take care of itself when we move on to U.