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Add a side/bottom **navigation menus** to Codex
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This task proposes the addition of adding guidelines and spec for side navigation menus to Codex. This is distinct and separate to the "Sheets: bottom and side" component T366048 already captured on T277047, since this would be for when the content in the drawer navigates to other parts of the site or app (whereas sheets show supplementary info

For example:

Minerva side nav
image.png (1×840 px, 91 KB)
Wikipedia Android app bottom menu
image.png (106×504 px, 9 KB)

Event Timeline

Volker_E renamed this task from Add a side/bottom **navigation menus** to the DSG to Add a side/bottom **navigation menus** to Codex.Feb 14 2024, 3:30 PM
Volker_E edited projects, added Codex; removed Wikimedia Design Style Guide.
Volker_E updated the task description. (Show Details)

As discussed in yesterday's DST design sync, once we implement T366048: Sheet: Add Sheet component to Codex we could reuse it to build the Minerva side Navigation Menu, since they are both side sheets that can be expanded and collapsed.

image.png (1×840 px, 91 KB)

Regarding the App Bottom Bar, this will not reuse the Sheet component in any case since it's not an expandable and collapsable element, but a fixed bar instead.

image.png (106×504 px, 9 KB)