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[Notifications] Add first time user Explore feed information card
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Aug 11 2021, 11:25 PM
Referenced Files
F35092330: image.png
May 2 2022, 7:55 PM
F35092327: IMG_0144.PNG
May 2 2022, 7:55 PM
F34993656: iOS Notifications Flows - Explore feed card flow.jpg
Mar 9 2022, 7:47 PM
F34970396: image.png
Feb 28 2022, 9:01 PM
F34642240: IMG_3966.PNG
Sep 13 2021, 8:40 PM
F34642143: image.png
Sep 13 2021, 7:05 PM
F34594785: image.png
Aug 13 2021, 6:49 PM
F34594784: Group 122.pdf
Aug 13 2021, 6:49 PM


  • Update existing notifications Explore feed card UI & title / subtitle area to "Editing notifications now available" card as seen in this task's mock. (See screenshot of existing card here)
  • Update the logic for when this card is shown to new logic:
    • This card should be shown after first app load after updating the app. This does not need to be shown to first time loads for app downloads.
    • Note it seems like there's existing complicated logic now around when this card displays, based on if the Explore feed detects that we have current news to display. We need to remove this logic and simplify it to the above bullet point.
  • When user taps "Turn on push notifications", navigate user to the Settings > Notifications screen.
  • Keep existing logic of hiding the card when the user performs either card action.
iPhone mockClear background PDF image for use on iPhone or iPad
image.png (1×750 px, 134 KB)

Design details
If possible, can we utilize the card color for the background color for the image so that it translates across reading themes?


iOS Notifications Flows - Explore feed card flow.jpg (4×11 px, 1 MB)

To see flow of other onboarding features, see the Miro:


Event Timeline

LGoto lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 17 2021, 6:53 PM

Updated mocks show a 'Turn on push notifications' button and a 'dismiss' link. Tapping 'Turn on push notifications' will trigger the in app model for push permissions and then follow the flow for 'Contributor logs into the app for the first time after Notification update'.


Sorry, I'm just now looking at this. I've got some new error cases that need to be handled on this one, but even in the success case I'm not certain what will happen. Can you clarify?

  1. Success: User taps "Turn on push" > permissions prompt appears > User allows permissions (behind the scenes we'll also subscribe their device token, that succeeds) > Card hides and user stays on Explore feed? Or user is pushed to Notification Center?
  2. Failure: User taps "Turn on push" > permissions prompt appears > User denies permissions > ?
  3. Failure: User taps "Turn on push" > permissions prompt appears > User allows permissions (behind the scenes we'll also need to subscribe their device token, but that fails) > ?
  4. Failure: User is logged out, so we cannot subscribe their device token behind the scenes.

Suggestion for the failure cases 2 & 3 is that we have some sort of prompt saying there was an issue (missing permissions or issue with subscription), and they can try again later in our Notification Push Settings screen since we're handling all possible error cases there. Then hide the card. Otherwise I think it'll be difficult to handle these error cases within this tiny card.

For failure case 4 I suggest we hide the card if they aren't logged in.

Hi @Tsevener, as discussed in our meeting tapping on the CTA will bring users to the Settings screen and then pop the appropriate alerts / models.

image.png (1×8 px, 638 KB)

Notes from grooming:

This task's explore feed card is meant to be new, as a new feature announcement. We also have an old notifications card that was only meant for the In the News notification, so we need to remove this as a part of this task.

IMG_3966.PNG (2×1 px, 371 KB)

Notes from eng sync: first check existing card show logic, we maybe be able to keep it and simply redesign/reroute if it mostly does what we want already.

Updated the associated flows for onboarding, please also see for additional onboarding details and designs.

@cmadeo I made some task description tweaks, let me know if this looks okay:

  • In general this is now framed from the perspective of updating our existing Explore feed push notifications card. I thought this would be easier for us to work against.
  • Added a "Navigate to Settings > Notifications" callout as discussed in
  • I removed the screenshot of the flow, since it doesn't mention anything about the Explore feed card. I thought this might make it less confusing as to the scope of this particular ticket.

I do have a couple of additional questions here:

  1. It looks like our old card did not have the 3 dot icon in the header area, but your new mock does. Can you let us know what menu options / actions you expect when the user taps on this button?
  2. Should this card be hidden if the user is not logged in? Note we cannot fully subscribe them to notifications in Settings > Notifications without being logged in.
  3. Is that subtitle date meant to be whatever date the user first sees the card? Or the date of the release?
cmadeo updated the task description. (Show Details)

Thanks @Tsevener

It looks like our old card did not have the 3 dot icon in the header area, but your new mock does. Can you let us know what menu options / actions you expect when the user taps on this button?

Ah I'm surprised that our old card did not have this, could we have the menu lead to the options of 'Hide this card' and 'Customize Explore feed'

Should this card be hidden if the user is not logged in? Note we cannot fully subscribe them to notifications in Settings > Notifications without being logged in.

Yes, let's hide this card if possible when not logged in

Is that subtitle date meant to be whatever date the user first sees the card? Or the date of the release?

Whatever date the user first sees the card

@Tsevener your updates look good and I also updated the task description to include a new flow diagram. Thank you!

@Mazevedo this is looking great! Thank you so much!

Two small tweaks:

In the appMock-up
IMG_0144.PNG (1×750 px, 204 KB)
image.png (1×750 px, 135 KB)
  • Would it be possible to remove the background fill (a light grey) from the Default presentation of the image?
  • Question: It looks like the image is being slightly cropped, I can't tell if this is only on my smaller testing device?

Hi @cmadeo! Unfortunately, all the adjustment options crop the images a little (even on larger screens). The one used on the version you tested is the one that cropped the least. Would you like to try different image dimensions to see if it looks better?