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Request increased quota for gitlab-runners Cloud VPS project
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Project Name: gitlab-runners
Type of quota increase requested: cpu/ram/instance count/volumes/volume storage
Reason: We're opening up GitLab to a general audience and need to ensure the following:

  1. Capacity per executor is on par with existing Jenkins based executors. We're planning to change the flavor in use to g3.cores8.ram24.disk20 to more efficiently allocate memory and allow for 4 concurrent runner processes on each. See the following table for our calculations of necessary vCPU and memory.
  2. A larger (we estimate 60 Gb based on current Jenkins instances and additional volume creation done by GitLab) and separate volume is used for /var/lib/docker to provide capacity for locally built images, container filesystems, and temporary volumes. See T291221: runner-1002 is out of space. (Note that we're working on implementing a LRU garbage collection script in addition to seeking more temporary space.)
  3. There is just enough extra quota to run a standalone puppetmaster and possibly be able to spin up a replacement should we run into issues with it.
Memory6 GB
Volume storage15 GB
Memory24 GB
InstancesvCPUMemoryVolume storageVolumes
Executors1080240 GB600 GB10
Extra224 GB0 KB0
Required quota1282244 GB600 GB10
Current quota860170 GB80 GB8
Quota increase42274 GB520 GB2

Event Timeline

I just realized I undercounted the memory requirements for each executor. It should be 6G each. Change incoming.

I just realized I undercounted the memory requirements for each executor. It should be 6G each. Change incoming.

Changed. However, it looks like the overall quota requirements remain the same since I calculated the final numbers as flavor ram * instances.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2021-10-21T09:23:31Z] <arturo> bump quotas to instances 12 cores 82 ram 249856 gigabytes 600 volumes 10 (T293832)

done, thanks for the very detailed quota request!

done, thanks for the very detailed quota request!

Thank you!

Sorry to reopen this, but I'd mistakenly thought we already had access to a g3.cores8.ram24.disk20 in this project. Can that be made available please?

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2021-10-22T11:20:14Z] <arturo> enable flavor g3.cores8.ram24.disk20.ephemeral40.4xiops (T293832)

aborrero triaged this task as Low priority.

I assume you mean g3.cores8.ram24.disk20.ephemeral40.4xiops. Done!