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Fix MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/ElectronPdfService
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a microtask for T256239: Create MediaWiki-Docker documentation for all repositories with Selenium tests. See that task for more information and how to get help.

  • If you are working on this task, assign it to yourself, so others know it's already taken.
  • Read the MediaWiki-Docker documentation for the repository: MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/ElectronPdfService.
  • Set up the repository on your machine.
  • Run Selenium tests.
  • Read the repository documentation: Extension:ElectronPdfService.
  • You might need to read repository source code: ElectronPdfService.
  • You might need to contact developers of the repository. Developers/Maintainers lists which team is in charge of which repository.
  • Find what's missing from the MediaWiki-Docker documentation for the repository. Update the page. If the Selenium tests pass, you're done.

Event Timeline

Good job!

Please remove selenium related text from the page. The page is only for setting up the extension. We use selenium tests to check if the extension is set up correctly, but others will probably not care about selenium, or want to run the tests.

How to run selenium tests is already documented elsewhere ( so there's no need to duplicate it on the page.

Thank you. Mentioned accordingly.

Nice! But you didn't understand me. 😁 Remove all mention of Selenium tests from the page. Take a look at other pages. They don't mention them at all.

Ah. I didn't notice, have removed all the test selenium tests. Check now.