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Fix MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/GrowthExperiments
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This is a microtask for T256239: Create MediaWiki-Docker documentation for all repositories with Selenium tests. See that task for more information and how to get help.

  • If you are working on this task, assign it to yourself, so others know it's already taken.
  • Read the MediaWiki-Docker documentation for the repository: MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/GrowthExperiments.
  • Set up the repository on your machine.
  • Run Selenium tests.
  • Read the repository documentation: Extension:GrowthExperiments.
  • You might need to read repository source code: GrowthExperiments.
  • You might need to contact developers of the repository. Developers/Maintainers lists which team is in charge of which repository.
  • Find what's missing from the MediaWiki-Docker documentation for the repository. Update the page. If the Selenium tests pass, you're done.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. ยท View Herald Transcript
Lykarungi updated the task description. (Show Details)
Lykarungi subscribed.
zeljkofilipin triaged this task as Medium priority.
zeljkofilipin raised the priority of this task from Medium to Needs Triage.Feb 22 2023, 5:57 PM