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[SPIKE] Collect backlog of data security / privacy design choices for future data governance
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Examples of our current decisions and policies that we want to capture and surface in this spike. This document can provide information and assistance to the data governance objective.

  • 90-day data retention purge
  • How we obfuscate data when retained
  • How we link data (cannot link if identifiable)
  • How we sample and how small wiki has to be for identification risk to be too high
  • IP address handling and xform to geolocation
  • Geolocation granularity
  • Cookies, sessionStorage, or localStorage?
  • What cookie TTL?
  • Do we honor Do Not Track, or not?
  • How many cookies are too many? What should they or should they not contain?
  • What should be the maximum persistence for UUIDs? Should there be one?
  • Should app_install_id be opt-in or opt-out? Should data collection as a whole be one or the other?
  • Are there "essential" data that we can justify collecting all the time? Or no?
  • What is our privacy budget? What fields reduce privacy the most? What can we do about it?