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[SPIKE] What could be causing a ready event to be emitted, but an anonymous user token NOT to be logged
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In an attempt to identify the underlying causes for the bucketing imbalances identified in T291308, we will us this ticket to investigate what could be causing a ready event to be emitted, but an anonymous user token NOT to be logged.

NOTE: this investigation beginning depends on T301495 first being resolved.

Event Timeline

MNeisler moved this task from Triage to Tracking on the Product-Analytics board.
MNeisler added a subscriber: DLynch.

Results posted T301495#7702397 regarding the init_types associated with these events. It looks like the primary source of this issue was identified in T301497#7705338 but reassigning this task to @DLynch to confirm.

Results posted T301495#7702397 regarding the init_types associated with these events. It looks like the primary source of this issue was identified in T301497#7705338 but reassigning this task to @DLynch to confirm.

Resolving this ticket assuming the issue identified in T301497#7705338 explains what is/was causing a ready event to be emitted, but an anonymous user token NOT to be logged.