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Investigate existing nearby features
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


Look for all relevant tools that already do something similar and check how they access their data and do caching.


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One point to keep in mind is that some searches (e.g. API:Geosearch) limit results to a single wiki, and others (e.g. wikibase:around) can return everything in Wikidata. This distinction is important to match to each use case.

Minor note about API:Geosearch, it can be given a bounding box *or* a radius.

Investigation of tools is finished. Follow-ups can be discussed.

thiemowmde claimed this task.

Just one thing that was missed here, is the awful hack of Wikivoyage:
This is used by the top right map icon on a en.wikivoyage article (and performs terribly and should be eradicated)

Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 14.17.45.png (228×184 px, 44 KB)

There is also: (geosearch api leaflet layer) by @simon04

Another note for apisearch is that if you give it a bounding box, this cannot be too large or it will not return any results. (not sure if that limit is still needed, search might have improved a lot since that was implemented, so might be possible to improve that).