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Revise link text within last comment indicator
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, to see/be scrolled to the most recent comment, people need to click the hyperlinked username that appears within the Last comment: indicator that appears atop mobile and desktop talk pages (see ===Reference below).

This task is asking for the timestamp, rather than the comment author's username, to be linked such that when people click/tap it, they are shown the most recent comment.



  • Platforms: Desktop + Mobile


Last comment: DATE by [[LINK TO COMMENT|USERNAME]] in topic [[LINK TO TOPIC|TOP SUBJECT]]Last comment: [[LINK TO COMMENT|DATE]] by username in topic [[LINK TO TOPIC|TOPIC SUBJECT]]


I am suggest the moving primarily because I worry that:

  1. Senior Contributors could be confused why the username of someone who has not created a user page appears as a blue link in the last comment indicator and as a red link everywhere else in the interface
  2. Junior Contributors could be confused why clicking/tapping the username of someone that appears in the last comment indicator does NOT taking them to that person's user page as happens everywhere else in the interface


Current experience

Screen Shot 2022-05-27 at 5.15.46 PM.png (1×1 px, 192 KB)
IMG_15631E1E264A-1.jpeg (2×1 px, 738 KB)


  • "Desired" behavior/experience is implemented

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Consider revising linking within last comment indicator to Revise linking within last comment indicator.Jun 3 2022, 6:27 PM
ppelberg renamed this task from Revise linking within last comment indicator to Revise link text within last comment indicator.
ppelberg claimed this task.