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npm audit reports several security issues with Service runner
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Running npm audit on master version of service-runner reports 10 vulnerabilities (7 high, 3 critical). Since there are many services in WMF infstructure that is written on top of service-runner, these issues affect them too.

Also see T293853: Service-runner depends on preq, a wrapper of request, which is deprecated and T200374: Update indirect dependency on indicating the requirement for active maintainance of the library.

Following is the log for npm audit as of v5.0.0:

➜  service-runner git:(master) git log --oneline -n1
5c8fac8 (HEAD -> master, tag: v5.0.0, tag: v.5.0.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Release v5.0.0

➜  service-runner git:(master) npm audit
# npm audit report

ms  <2.0.0
Severity: moderate
Vercel ms Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity vulnerability -
fix available via `npm audit fix --force`
Will install limitation@0.2.2, which is a breaking change
  wikimedia-kad-fork  *
  Depends on vulnerable versions of ms
    limitation  >=0.2.3
    Depends on vulnerable versions of wikimedia-kad-fork

request  *
Severity: moderate
Server-Side Request Forgery in Request -
Depends on vulnerable versions of tough-cookie
No fix available
  coveralls  *
  Depends on vulnerable versions of request
  preq  *
  Depends on vulnerable versions of request
  Depends on vulnerable versions of requestretry
  requestretry  *
  Depends on vulnerable versions of request

tough-cookie  <4.1.3
Severity: moderate
tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability -
No fix available

8 vulnerabilities (6 moderate, 2 high)

To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.

Event Timeline

I submitted primary pull requests: (At least fixes 5 security issues)

preq has multiple issues stemming from its dependency on request which is deprecated (

As per my current understanding service-runner is not maintained by anybody(glad to be corrected otherwise). And several services are built on top of it. One possible path forward is to find all maintainers of current servicerunner based services and plan fix and review resourcing. I will bring this to the attention of language team.

As per my current understanding service-runner is not maintained by anybody(glad to be corrected otherwise).

Right. On a related note, I just filed T340105: PHP-based alternative to wikimedia/service-template-node

Which teams are aware for this in the WMF? I see service-runner and Security tagged on the task, but I don't know if further communication efforts have happened. Does anyone know?

This is a high usage library in the WMF, it appearing abandoned is pretty bad and some serious effort to fix it should be made before things like T357950 go forward.

Which teams are aware for this in the WMF? I see service-runner and Security tagged on the task, but I don't know if further communication efforts have happened. Does anyone know?

This is a high usage library in the WMF, it appearing abandoned is pretty bad and some serious effort to fix it should be made before things like T357950 go forward.

I don't know which teams are formally aware of it, but anyone who has built with service-runner or attempted to update its dependencies lately would know.

I believe the project used to be owned by a previous iteration of the MW Platform team, but not sure (looking at Developers/Maintainers and service-runner description didn't provide any answers).

I've updated the npm audit output as of v5.0.0 – some are fixed (e.g. ansi-regex, json-schema, minimist), but the key issues Santhosh highlighted for kad and preq remain.

I've updated the npm audit output as of v5.0.0 – some are fixed (e.g. ansi-regex, json-schema, minimist), but the key issues Santhosh highlighted for kad and preq remain.

Can we drop preq in favor of node 18's fetch?

I've updated the npm audit output as of v5.0.0 – some are fixed (e.g. ansi-regex, json-schema, minimist), but the key issues Santhosh highlighted for kad and preq remain.

Can we drop preq in favor of node 18's fetch?

I started that last week, but got into issues and have had to switch focii. I've noted that several services use preq directly, not just upstream's tests, so this will only be a start (e.g. this was my fix for the function-orchestrator.

Mvolz subscribed.

Which teams are aware for this in the WMF? I see service-runner and Security tagged on the task, but I don't know if further communication efforts have happened. Does anyone know?

This is a high usage library in the WMF, it appearing abandoned is pretty bad and some serious effort to fix it should be made before things like T357950 go forward.

I don't know which teams are formally aware of it, but anyone who has built with service-runner or attempted to update its dependencies lately would know.

I believe the project used to be owned by a previous iteration of the MW Platform team, but not sure (looking at Developers/Maintainers and service-runner description didn't provide any answers).

That's basically correct; this used to be owned by the Services team. The services team was shut down and folded into Core Platform team in 2018. That team was then turned into MediaWiki Platform in 2023. The last remaining original Services member left in 2022. I don't know that any of the current MW Platform members are familiar with it.

The last remaining original Services member left in 2022.

@Eevans is actually still around, having moved to SRE Data Persistence. However, this is mostly irrelevant and changes none of your points.

MSantos subscribed.

It's also worth mentioning that we (MediaWiki-Engineering) haven't been able as group to define our role in the "Services Platform" domain due to time/resource constraints. This is in our radar though because it affects services that some of our teams maintain.