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MySQL "ERROR 1356" when querying page table of 29 wikis
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I am running an SQL query involving the page table on all WMF wikis. For some reason, any query involving this table fails for me on 29 wikis with an error message such as this one:

ERROR 1356 (HY000): View '' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them

The query can be as simple as SELECT * FROM page LIMIT 10;, or more complex. Doesn't matter.

Affected wikis:

  1. altwiki
  2. amiwiki
  3. avkwiki
  4. banwikisource
  5. bclwiktionary
  6. dagwiki
  7. diqwiktionary
  8. enwikivoyage
  9. eowikivoyage
  10. jawikivoyage
  11. jvwikisource
  12. lldwiki
  13. lmowiktionary
  14. madwiki
  15. mgwiktionary
  16. mniwiki
  17. mniwiktionary
  18. mnwwiktionary
  19. niawiki
  20. niawiktionary
  21. pwnwiki
  22. shiwiki
  23. skrwiki
  24. skrwiktionary
  25. smnwiki
  26. taywiki
  27. trvwiki
  28. trwikivoyage
  29. wawikisource

All other wikis seem to be fine. I suspect that there is something wrong with the database configuration of the wikis listed above.

I observe the same behavior when querying from within my PAWS account, or from the Toolforge console using my standard msyn account.

Event Timeline


CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=viewmaster@% SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW page AS select AS page_id, AS page_namespace, AS page_title, AS page_restrictions, AS page_is_redirect, AS page_is_new, AS page_random, AS page_touched, AS page_links_updated, AS page_latest, AS page_len, AS page_content_model, AS page_lang from


CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=viewmaster@% SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW page AS select AS page_id, AS page_namespace, AS page_title, AS page_is_redirect, AS page_is_new, AS page_random, AS page_touched, AS page_links_updated, AS page_latest, AS page_len, AS page_content_model, AS page_lang from

Looks like at least altwiki still has page_restrictions. I guess this needs maintain-views running

I am running an SQL query involving the page table on all WMF wikis.

Where exactly and how? Is this PAWS or Quarry related, maybe?

Marostegui claimed this task.
Marostegui subscribed.

maintain-views wasn't run on clouddb1020:3315 (it was on 1016 and 1021), so I guess cloud-services-team missed that one. I have run it myself and those wikis are now available on the three hosts.

I am running an SQL query involving the page table on all WMF wikis.

Where exactly and how? Is this PAWS or Quarry related, maybe?

The view has not been updated fully. @Marostegui is looking.

Looks to be working now, thanks for the very quick fix @Marostegui