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Quarry database name
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Every time I create a Quarry query, I need to type enwiki_p. This is a minor irritation for me but potentially show-stopping for a new user who can't guess that name.

Could the database name default to the user's home wiki, or a settable preference, or to the database used last time? Alternatively, could enwiki_p appear near the top of the long list of unlikely options that appears when one starts by typing "e"? It's almost certainly the most used database.

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While it does seem likely that enwiki_p is the most used, I don't know that we should preference it over other DBs. I also suspect you're right that for a lot of people they use pretty much one DB when they use quarry, so maybe a settable preference or the last db they used would be useful. Additionally we could split this task into one feature request for something like that, and one that opens up with a better link to documentation for anyone who may be new. Maybe a big "New to quarry?" button on the home page? Could link to ...And a third to update that page.

Every time I create a Quarry query, I need to type enwiki_p. This is a minor irritation for me

Ich finde den Vorschlag, die englischsprachige Wikipedia zur Standard-Wikipedia in Quarry zu erheben, deutlich irritierender. Die spanischsprachige Wikipedia z.B. hat die fünftgrößte Anzahl an aktiven Benutzer*innen – wohl kaum eine „unwahrscheinliche Option“, wenn man e eingibt.

Ich finde den Vorschlag, die englischsprachige Wikipedia zur Standard-Wikipedia in Quarry zu erheben, deutlich irritierender. Die spanischsprachige Wikipedia z.B. hat die fünftgrößte Anzahl an aktiven Benutzer*innen – wohl kaum eine „unwahrscheinliche Option“, wenn man e eingibt.

If the chosen solution is to reorder the E suggestions, eswiki_p should also be near the top, perhaps second after enwiki_p. I see dewiki_p is already second in the D suggestions (after dewikisource). However, it may be better to let each of us select our own default, or to use our home wiki.

I would agree, that having no default, but allowing each user to choose a default for themselves seems appropriate. The home wiki idea is interesting as well. Indeed we could peruse both. Such that the home wiki is the default for a user, but they can change it in their profile? (I say this knowing nothing about how we would pull the wiki out of a user, but seems like something that should be doable without adding oauth permissions to quarry?)