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MM3/Postorius: Inconsistent translations for "Log In" in Spanish
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


This only appears if your browser language is set to Spanish (es).

  1. Go to - On the top right corner there are two links: log in and sign up
  2. Go to log in at
  3. On the top right corner of the screen there are now three links: list management, log in and sign up
  4. The Spanish translation for log in on this window is incorrect. It translates to "register".

Graphical description

What I see at (everything correct)

Sin título1.png (172×1 px, 11 KB)

What I see at

Sin título2.png (888×1 px, 35 KB)

Red circles explained (from top to bottom):

  • Top right corner: should not say Registrarse but Log In. Probably that link shouldn't be there either as you're already in the Log In page.
  • Registrarse title is incorrect either as this is the Log In page.
  • regístrese first is partially translated.
  • Iniciar sesión in the username field is incorrect, should probably be User name.

I think this is fixed upstream at base.html and the Spanish translations but I am not very familiar with Upstream GitLab or if this would be resolved by T286217: Upgrade to next Mailman/hyperkitty/postorius versions hence filing this.

Thank you.

Event Timeline

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 29 2022, 6:06 PM
MarcoAurelio claimed this task.

This was fixed in fixed in commit 31c6ae82 (Feb. 20, 2021) and added to django-mailman versions 1.3.7 onwards. Translation is handled via Weblate. Closing in favor of T286217 which would solve our UI problem.