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MWException: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 403): Rerenders for this article are blacklisted in the config from DiscussionTools – permalinks unavailable for some pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Split off from T315689: MWException: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 403): (no message) from DiscussionTools (on private wikis) – permalinks unavailable.

image.png (529×2 px, 48 KB)

In addition to private wikis, this error also occurs on Commons. for a different reason – we get a 403 for some huge pages with lots of images, such as (there are hundreds of daily pages like this one). I was able to reproduce that when trying to open them in VE as well, where the RESTBase response sometimes is a 403 and has an error like this:

{"type":"","method":"get","detail":"Rerenders for this article are blacklisted in the config.","uri":"/"}

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So there's this huge blacklist from 2015!

When we try to parse any page on it, we just get this error.

I believe that it is no longer necessary: 1) Parsoid perf improvements allow most of the listed pages to be parsed 2) Parsoid resource limit improvements mean that any pages that fail won't take the sites down 3) the list hasn't been updated in years, even though surely new expensive pages have been created in the meantime, yet the sites haven't gone down.

I'll try to prove this and delete the blacklist.

By the way, there is a nearly identical blacklist elsewhere that has been causing the listed pages to be broken in mobile apps: T274359 and it is in the process of being deleted as well.

matmarex moved this task from Untriaged to Aug 2022 on the Wikimedia-production-error board.
matmarex moved this task from Backlog to Triaged on the DiscussionTools board.
matmarex moved this task from Incoming to Doing on the Editing-team (Kanban Board) board.
matmarex renamed this task from MWException: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 403): Rerenders for this article are blacklisted in the config from DiscussionTools to MWException: Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 403): Rerenders for this article are blacklisted in the config from DiscussionTools – permalinks unavailable for some pages.Sep 3 2022, 2:21 AM

My patch was merged a few days ago, but the errors are still occurring, I assume that the change hasn't been deployed yet and that this has to be done manually by someone.

matmarex edited projects, added Skipped QA; removed Patch-For-Review.
matmarex added a subscriber: Jgiannelos.

@Jgiannelos deployed the changes yesterday (thanks!). The problem is almost completely gone:

image.png (529×2 px, 61 KB)

Curiously, there is 1 error logged today. We talked this over and we are guessing this is some sort of a caching/logging problem, and it should go away completely in a few days.

Hi, it's December and that problem occurs also when I try to set up Visual Editor. Please solve that problem completely