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[EPIC] Section-level Image Suggestions Notifications for More Experienced Contributors
Open, Needs TriagePublic



More experienced contributors are interested in specific articles that they watch and edit. Section-level image suggestions notifications (SLIS notifications) is an extension of article-level image suggestions (Epic T292142) to recommend images for the section of articles contributors are watching or recently edited. and is built upon Section level image suggestions data pipeline work described in T311814.

The goal is to embed the recommendation in their existing Wikipedia activities, thus increasing the likelihood they will review the recommendations and add selected images as part of their current editing workflow. Based on the information provided in the notification, the user can go through their normal image addition workflow. Contributors can choose to edit via Wikitext or Visual Editor after receiving the image suggestions notification and can review the image + section/article information in the notification. We will not provide any help with adding the image itself; just the opportunity for the user to review the match.

Use Cases
As an Experienced Contributor, I want to receive a notification if there is an image suggestion for a section of an article that I have edited or watched so that I can use it to illustrate those sections/articles.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Sections and suggested images for the m will be retrieved from the SLIS data pipeline. Work in scope is in
  •  Notifications are only sent for image suggestions with >TBD% confidence score
  • Notifications are sent weekly together with article image suggestions notifications, as covered in design mocks
  • Roll-out: Image Suggestions Notifications will initially be released to PT, RU, ID, CA, FI, HU, and NO wikis
  • Notifications are only sent to contributors with >500 edits who have not opted out of image suggestions notifications (300 for PT)
  • A contributor will receive a max of 2 notifications per week
  • A contributor will only be notified about suggestions for articles on their watchlist
  • A contributor will only receive a single notification about any article with combined article level and section level suggestions (see design prototype)
  • A contributor is not suggested images that are already present on the page
  • ECs don't receive image suggestions for a variety of sections as specified in the pipeline
  • A contributor can easily disable notifications

Relevant documents and specs
See  SLIC notifications PRD and subtasks for more details.
Design brief: Image Suggestions for Sections

Related Objects

Event Timeline

cchen closed subtask Restricted Task as Resolved.Sep 28 2023, 6:25 AM