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Convert remaining Android app eventlogging schemas to MEP.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is rather overdue, and needs to be done very soon. The legacy eventlogging system is deprecated and no longer supported. The staging environment for testing/verifying legacy schemas no longer works reliably. We are one of the last remaining teams still relying on the legacy system, and therefore need to take the plunge as soon as possible.

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Dec 6 2022, 5:26 PM

Change 881748 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppSessions Legacy schema:

Change 881915 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppInstallReferrer

Change 881917 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppReadingLists Legacy schema:

Change 881917 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppReadingLists Legacy schema:

Change 881918 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] New config entries for migrated android schemas

Ottomata renamed this task from Convert remaining eventlogging schemas to MEP. to Convert remaining Android app eventlogging schemas to MEP..Jan 20 2023, 7:46 PM

Awesome! Let's go!

It looks like these are new instrumentations, right? Not exact legacy migrations? I was going to link to the legacy migration instructions in T259163, but if your plan is to make new instrumentations (and have the Android app itself POST directly to, then we can simply wait til you are ready and then decommission the old android schemas and streams.

@Ottomata Thank you for looking into this. Yes, these are new instrumentations... we should be done soonish!! Will ping you on this task when we are done! Thanks for all the support! :)

Change 881915 merged by jenkins-bot:

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppInstallReferrer

Change 881917 merged by jenkins-bot:

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppReadingLists Legacy schema:

Change 884105 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sharvaniharan; author: Sharvaniharan):

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppSessions Legacy schema:

Change 884105 merged by jenkins-bot:

[schemas/event/secondary@master] Android schema migration: MobileWikiAppSessions Legacy schema:

Change 881918 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] New config entries for migrated android schemas

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-02-06T14:02:20Z] <urbanecm@deploy1002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:881918|New config entries for migrated android schemas (T324167)]]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-02-06T14:04:08Z] <urbanecm@deploy1002> urbanecm and sharvaniharan: Backport for [[gerrit:881918|New config entries for migrated android schemas (T324167)]] synced to the testservers: mwdebug2001.codfw.wmnet, mwdebug1001.eqiad.wmnet, mwdebug2002.codfw.wmnet, mwdebug1002.eqiad.wmnet

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2023-02-06T14:11:39Z] <urbanecm@deploy1002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:881918|New config entries for migrated android schemas (T324167)]] (duration: 09m 19s)