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[SPIKE] Generate design concepts for how the edit summary dialog might accommodate a range of checks
Open, Needs TriagePublicSpike


This task involves the work of generating design concepts for how the visual editor's existing edit summary dialog might be evolved to accommodate a range of checks/feedback that are relevant to the specific changes a person is in the midst of attempting to publish.

In the context of the work the Editing Team is currently doing, "a range of checks/feedback" would likely take the form of prompting people who have added new content [i] during an edit to assess whether that new content they are in the process of publishing is:

  • Written from a neutral point of view
  • Referenced using sources other volunteers are likely to consider reliable
  • Not in violation of any copyrights
  • etc.


As someone who is still learning the basics of contributing to Wikipedia and who is in the midst of attempting to add new content to an existing article [or create a new one], I'd value reminders about the policies the edit I'm making will be evaluated against before I attempt to publish it, so that I can have an opp. to review the change(s) with these policies in mind and increase the likelihood that when I do publish these change(s) other people do not revert them.


We are thinking of the feedback that this ticket would introduce within the edit summary dialog/review moment to be a compliment to the more specific, in-text feedback we we are considering introducing via interventions like T322815.

i. The Editing Team is investigating how to detect when new content is added in an edit in T324365