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Problem uploading OpenRefine edits to Bad tag?
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • I'm building a instance at
  • The source I'm using to edit it is an OpenRefine project, reconciled using the docker of openrefine wikibase
  • Everything works as expected as far as reconciliation is concerned, and editing with quickstatements works well.
  • The only thing that is not working properly is Upload edits to Wikibase....

What happens?:
When I click "Upload Edits," the uploading dialog appears, at 0%, runs for a minute, then disappears, with no edits performed.

This is the error in the OpenRefine log:

12:24:35.092 [..ting.EditBatchProcessor] MediaWiki error while editing [badtags]: The tag "openrefine-3.7" is not allowed to be manually applied. (2059ms)

What should have happened instead?:
What I expected was the same thing that happens when I upload edits to wikidata.

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

  • OpenRefine version 3.7-beta2

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

  • I tried logging in (in OpenRefine) with my usual wikibase username, and with a bot. (I did not however try "login with your owner-only consumer.")
  • OpenRefine Wikibase logs (that I see in the docker) do not show any activity when I run this process

Event Timeline

Reedy renamed this task from Problem uploading Openrefine edits to Bad tag? to Problem uploading OpenRefine edits to Bad tag?.Dec 27 2022, 6:28 PM
Reedy updated the task description. (Show Details)

I think this is solved, but I'll let better informed parties decide.

People on telegram group told me to add that tag as a local admin and it worked.

Spinster subscribed.

I think this is solved, but I'll let better informed parties decide.

People on telegram group told me to add that tag as a local admin and it worked.

It's indeed a common pitfall and should be documented better in various places, IMO. It's indeed fixable by Wikibase admins, but you need to know how and where to do it - it's not obvious at first sight.

I will close this issue as Invalid (it wasn't actually a bug, rather a lack of good documentation), but keeping it in mind for updated Wikibase and Reconciliation related documentation.