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Host conversations with volunteers about Usability Improvements (desktop) default-on deployments
Open, In Progress, MediumPublic


This task involves the work of hosting conversations at a range of projects about the prospect of offering the suite of Usability Improvements [i] as default-on features, for everyone logged in+out, on desktop.


We are approaching these conversations as opportunities to share information with volunteers and to learn about the experiences they've had with the Usability Improvement features to-date. [i]

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn what –if any – issues people have experienced with the suite of Usability Improvements [i] that they think need to be resolved before they are made available to more people
  2. Learn what – if any – broader concerns/risks they see with offering the suite of Usability Improvements as default-on features on desktop for everyone (logged in+out)

Information to Share

  1. The deployment these conversations are intended to discuss involve the following features being made available by default:
    • Topic Containers
    • Clear Affordances (including the Add topic button T267444 introduced)
    • Page Frame
  2. Anyone who wishes to turn off the features listed above will continue to be able to do so by changing the state of the Show discussion activity setting within Special:Preferences


PhaseWikis involvedLink(s) to discussionsConversation outcome(s)
Partner wikis (T329407),, and
Phase 1 (T349547)A/B test wikis (T332946)@Trizek-WMF to document
Phase 2
Phase 3


  • Conversations are started
  • Links to these conversations are documented in this ticket
  • Outcomes of each conversation are documented in this ticket

i. See: .

Event Timeline

The next significant phase of this work is blocked on T302358: [A/B Test] Run an A/B test to evaluate impact of Usability Improvements, because we'll want to know what the results of the test are before we discuss deployments.

Given the results in and the noticeable lack of complaints from the Wikipedias involved in the A/B test, I think it would be plausible to have an all-at-once deployment.

I've talked to the team about two different scenarios:

  • Traditional phased deployment, e.g., all the Wikipedias one week followed by all the non-Wikipedias another week, or all the wikis except enwiki one week, followed by enwiki another week (i.e., after someone's made sure that SRE isn't unhappy, since this changes the appearance of lots of pages).
  • Deploying the three "pieces" (Page frame, Topic containers, and Clear affordances in the original design work) in separate weeks, so the appearance shift isn't so dramatic for end users.

It's possible to do both: For example, three groups of wikis times three design elements would spread the changes over nine weeks. But I think this is probably an unnecessary complication. It might be better to just turn it on everywhere, and let everyone know that if you don't like it, you can turn it off in [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion]].

Trizek-WMF changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Oct 13 2023, 5:00 PM
Trizek-WMF lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Nov 13 2023, 3:40 PM