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bash: command not found
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Start a new Bash Notebook
  • type " login" as the tutorial says
  • run it

What happens?:
bash: command not found
: 127

What should have happened instead?:
"Logged in on <bla> as <bla>"

Event Timeline

Hi! This should be fixed once T326512 is resolved.

@Leonprimer, please keep in mind that all these projects are maintained by volunteers like you. Nobody is obliged to solve your problem within ten minutes. The problem is clearly detected, Sometimes the solution is not two minutes and sometimes the task waits for another task that has to be solved. Creating so many duplicates with more and more exclamation marks is by no means a good faith usage of Phabricator and the volunteers' energies and time. You were already asked to stop it, and further creations may result in a block.

I suggest you to install Pywikibot on your computer if your work with is urgent. You don't have to be a programmer to do that. See Manual:Pywikibot on Mediawiki.

@Leonprimer please keep an eye on cloud-announce, changes for paws are mentioned there, and may help you notice these changes sooner:

@Bdijkstra this is deployed now, could you give it another try. You might have to restart your server in paws (File > Hub Control Panel > Stop My Server) to get the latest image. Thanks!

Perfect. Works for me. Thanks for the great work.