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[SPIKE] Decide what accounts reference check will be made available for by default
Open, Needs TriagePublic


In T324730, we are defining the rules that will determine whether the initial reference will be triggered or not.

This task involves the "upstream" work of defining what accounts the reference check will be made available for. Posed as a question: edits made by what kinds of accounts will the reference check evaluate?

Decision(s) to be made

  • What factors, unrelated to the edit at-hand, should influence whether reference check is triggered? E.g. namespace edit being made within, the account status of the person making the edit (logged in/out), experience level of person editing (number of published edits).


  1. Edit Check should only become activated for edits made by accounts with the following characteristics:
    • TBD
    • TBD
    • TBD
  2. Each of the values listed in "1." below ought to be able to be configured on a per project basis


  • All Decisions to be made have answers/plans of action documented and are implemented in the software

Thank you to @Novem_Linguae for prompting the need for this task.