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New Google Play policy requiring account/data deletion feature
Closed, ResolvedPublic


"For apps that enable app account creation, developers will soon need to provide an option to initiate account and data deletion from within the app and online."

see also

How does this affect the Wikipedia Android app, which contains an account creation feature? My understanding is that Wikipedia currently does not have an account deletion feature, and even less a data deletion feature.


Event Timeline

JTannerWMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 18 2023, 4:26 PM
JTannerWMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
Dbrant claimed this task.
Dbrant subscribed.

We have now simplified the account vanishing process to use a Contact form on meta wiki:

In the iOS and Android apps, we now offer an option for a logged-in user to initiate account vanishing, which will bring the user to the above page inside a WebView (which shares login state with the app via cookies).
You may also choose to do something similar in the Commons app, but please be advised that you shouldn't make the account vanishing option too prominent, since the vanishing process is handled manually by a small group of renamers and/or stewards. For reference, in the Android app the account vanishing form is a total of five taps away, which includes a confirmation dialog.