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Create project tag for google-chrome-user-agent-deprecation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Name of the project tag: google-chrome-user-agent-deprecation. Shorter alternatives would be: chrome-user-agent-deprecation or user-agent-deprecation.

Type of project: Umbrella, I think? There is at least one project that will happen in response to the Google Chrome User Agent Deprecation T337821: Create project tag for client-hints. A component could also work, as might a tag.

Description (read the best practices and include a sentence understandable to the public and without "This project is for tracking work related to..." noise, plus a link to further information!): Shared project for all work related to Google Chrome's user agent deprecation (T295073).

Canonical code repository URL of the project (if this project has a code base): No codebase.

View policy of the project itself:
Public (default)

Event Timeline

Thinking about it some more, maybe a regular "Component" or "Tag" would work as well.

There's been a fair amount of discussion in T295073: <Org-Wide Impact> Google Chrome User-Agent Deprecation Impact and subtasks about how the Google Chrome User Agent deprecation will impact Wikimedia from various directions. So I suspect there will be tasks tracked against the #google-chrome-user-agent-deprecation task, but not necessarily entire component projects that would fit into an Umbrella project.

Aklapper claimed this task.
Aklapper mentioned this in http-client-hints.

Requested public project Google-Chrome-User-Agent-Deprecation has been created:

Please add this project tag to whatever tasks are in scope for it - thanks!

(In case you need to edit the project or project workboard itself at some point and lack permissions, please see Trusted-Contributors.)

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If tasks are created under this new project which are about a specific codebase, please make sure to also add these codebase project tags to the tasks in addition.

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available.

Feel free to bring up any questions you might have about Phabricator or about best ways to manage projects in Phabricator.


Requested public project Google-Chrome-User-Agent-Deprecation has been created:

Please add this project tag to whatever tasks are in scope for it - thanks!

(In case you need to edit the project or project workboard itself at some point and lack permissions, please see Trusted-Contributors.)

Interested people are welcome to join the project as members, and to watch the project in order to receive notifications on task updates.

If tasks are created under this new project which are about a specific codebase, please make sure to also add these codebase project tags to the tasks in addition.

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available.

Feel free to bring up any questions you might have about Phabricator or about best ways to manage projects in Phabricator.


Thanks @Aklapper. I changed it to a "component", is that OK? I'm not sure that "Goal" really fits.

Requested public project Google-Chrome-User-Agent-Deprecation has been created:

Please add this project tag to whatever tasks are in scope for it - thanks!

(In case you need to edit the project or project workboard itself at some point and lack permissions, please see Trusted-Contributors.)

Interested people are welcome to join the project as members, and to watch the project in order to receive notifications on task updates.

If tasks are created under this new project which are about a specific codebase, please make sure to also add these codebase project tags to the tasks in addition.

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available.

Feel free to bring up any questions you might have about Phabricator or about best ways to manage projects in Phabricator.


Thanks @Aklapper. I changed it to a "component", is that OK? I'm not sure that "Goal" really fits.

Or, I don't know, maybe "Projects without a defined ending date but which can definitely realistically be defined as finished at some point" is close enough. I'll change it back to what you created it as.