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When both sidebars are open on Vector 2022, the Special:Notifications interface overlaps the right sidebar
Open, MediumPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • On a wiki with Vector 2022 Zebra and Echo installed:
  • Receive notifications. The effect is more pronounced if you have 50 or more (of all time), as it causes a page button to appear.
  • Open [[Special:Notifications]] (don't forget ?VectorZebraDesign=1).

What happens?:

Notifications overflow into the right sidebar.

What should have happened instead?:

The boxes are reduced in width to fit on the page.

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

  • Resolution: 1366 x 768
  • Chrome OS
  • Unfortunately I cannot provide any more info because I can only reproduce this on a school-issued Chromebook that blocks the settings menu, including the about and version pages.

Screenshot 2023-06-01 12.26.25.png (658×1 px, 151 KB)

Event Timeline

This isn't specific to Zebra though ? Plain Vector 2022 does it as well for me.

This issue is due to the fact that the left and right sidebars will reduce the space of the content area when present. Rather than just relying on breakpoints, its probably worthwhile to check the main menu and page tools pinned feature classes (i.e. vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-enabled vector-feature-page-tools-pinned-disabled) to determine whether or not the sidebars are present

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Vector 2022 Zebra causes Special:Notifications to overlap the right sidebar to When both sidebars are open on Vector 2022, the Special:Notifications interface overlaps the right sidebar.Feb 8 2024, 5:22 PM
Jdlrobson removed bwang as the assignee of this task.
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: bwang.

This requires some changes in the Echo extension - some skin styles to limit the display of the Echo interface in this situation.