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Hide Wikidata connection options on pages when __EXPECTED_UNCONNECTED_PAGE__ is used
Open, Needs TriagePublic


There is a dedicated magic word that removes pages from Special:UnconnectedPages, pages that for some reason don't need/should/could not be linked to Wikidata.

So what's the point of displaying a button for the page to be linked to Wikidata?

image.png (599×765 px, 80 KB)

This wasn't exactly a problem in vector/monobook as it only displayed the small link {wikibase-linkitem-addlinks} at the sidebar. But it's a lot harder to ignore in vector-2022 with the huge {vector-no-language-button-label} that appears next to the title.

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There is a dedicated magic word that prevents (I haven't tried it, but I believe it prevents) pages from being linkable with Wikidata and removes it from Special:UnconnectedPages.

It doesn’t prevent linking pages. Removing them from the Special:UnconnectedPages listing is all it does.

Personally, I’m skeptical of changing the interpretation from “it’s fine if there’s no connected item” to “it’s mandatory that there’s no connected item” – but that’s for Product to decide.

It doesn’t prevent linking pages. Removing them from the Special:UnconnectedPages listing is all it does.

Oh, OK. It does less than I thought.

Personally, I’m skeptical of changing the interpretation from “it’s fine if there’s no connected item” to “it’s mandatory that there’s no connected item” – but that’s for Product to decide.

I've modified the description a bit to make the issue clearer. It's not that I want to be mandatory, but that at least the pages that have this magic word don't have that "appearance of incompleteness" because they don't have a connection to Wikidata.

In T97577#5909384 I suggests to introduce another magic word for pages that should not be connected to item so this can be differentiated from e.g. pages in AFD is fine if there’s no connected item but we should still let connection widget enabled.