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Invite experienced volunteers to experiment with Edit Check MVP
Open, HighPublic


This task involves the work of inviting volunteers at various Wikipedia projects to try out the Edit Check patch demo prototype.

Through the conversations we hope the prototype will inspire, we are seeking to answer the questions the below in service of deciding what – if any – adjustments do we need to consider making to the initial reference check before offering it in production as a beta feature (T338907).

Decision(s) to be made

  1. What – if any – adjustments do we need to consider making to the initial reference check before offering it in product as a beta feature (T338907).

Learning objectives

Learn what facets of the prototype lead experienced volunteers to:

  1. Doubt Edit Check's ability to encourage newcomers and Junior Contributors to make changes that experienced volunteers consider to be productive (read: aligned with project policies and conventions).
  2. Feel inspired to iterate and build upon




This section will eventually be filled with the feedback volunteers surface thought the ===Conversations above


  • Conversations are started
  • Findings are documented

Event Timeline

ppelberg renamed this task from Invite experienced volunteers at to experiment with Edit Check MVP to Invite experienced volunteers to experiment with Edit Check MVP.Jun 13 2023, 6:59 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg added a subscriber: WhatamIdoing.
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)