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Create OTRS Database Snapshot
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The current version we are running for OTRS reached EOL so we need to run a series of upgrades to get to a newer supported version. Part of this process will require us to test database migrations against a clone of the production database so we'd like a copy of otrs database to use for testing preferably in eqiad.

Event Timeline

We currently have soon to be decom'd a database host (db1118) being used by @Dzahn for testing, so maybe it can be recycled for this?

I think I can use the new clone cookbook to clone a replica of otrs to db1118 and then break the replication but since Manuel is out, I'm a bit nervous. How urgent is this?

@Ladsgroup No worries at all. This can wait. Will ping again next week.

LSobanski triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 12 2023, 9:20 AM
LSobanski moved this task from Incoming to Backlog on the collaboration-services board.
LSobanski subscribed.

db1118 in phabricator was a one time thing I would really not want to make this host "essential".
How long would this needed to be up for?

Also, we cannot really proceed with this until the phabricator test is done as we cannot simply do a binary copy.
And doing a logical snapshot will take many days.

@Marostegui I would not necessarily say we will need this for a long time so I doubt the host will be "essential".

All we need is a writable copy of the otrs database to test some database migrations against before running them on the actual production database just to get a measure of how long it would take so we could plan the maintenance window accordingly.

Sure, I just want an estimation of how long that could take. Are we talking about days? Weeks? Months?

On the other hand, as I told @LSobanski today, we need to wait until db1118 is released from the phabricator migration testing

This might potentially take a few weeks.

We have about five intermediary versions to upgrade to reach a LTS version. More details here (T340027).

If we can manage about one upgrade per week it should take about 5 weeks best case. Worst case is end of the quarter.

Noted on the Phabricator testing. Sorry, I forgot to mention that @LSobanski had already relayed that information.

Phabricator migration is done. I will be moving db1118 to m2 for this early next week.

db1118 is now ready. It contains the vtrs database.
The users are the same as we have in m2 at the moment, but we might need to grant the specific IP you'll use to connect to it from the frontend.
Let me know what you need in terms of access.

The host is db1118.eqiad.wmnet

Also, the host is on read only, I guess you'll need it to be writable right?

@Marostegui Yeah, we'll need it to be writable.

Let me create the test VM and share it's IP.

Just set it to writable.
You'd need to tell me which grants you need and/or if the normal OTRS ones are okay for now.
These are the current ones


@Marostegui Yeah, the normal ones are okay for now i.e. the same grants as the production host.

@Marostegui | 2620:0:861:107:10:64:48:15 is the IP address of the host we will test on. Hostname is vrts1002.

Can you try? It had '%' so I think it should work

Any updates? Did that work? What else is needed from my side?

@Marostegui Yes, I can confirm that the host connected successfully. I am doing some more testing. I will let you know if I run into anything.

Great - I am closing this for now. Reopen if you need something else.

Any update on how this is going? Any estimation on how much longer we'll need to keep db1118 around?

Dzahn reassigned this task from Marostegui to Arnoldokoth.

reopening and assigning for visibility

We're on the second to last upgrade. We ran into some performance issues the reason for which is not fully clear yet. Arnold is out this week, looking at the calendar there is a chance we'll be done before the holiday break.

Time for another gently reminder! Any ETA on when this host can be decommissioned?

@Marostegui Maybe another week or two. Just a few more tests on the replica and we'll be done.

@Marostegui Maybe another week or two. Just a few more tests on the replica and we'll be done.

Status? Can we decommission db1118 yet?

@Marostegui Just one more week. :) You can decom it on March 1st.

Reminder: db1118 being decommissioned on Friday!

@Arnoldokoth reminder that tomorrow I am decommissioning db1118

Marostegui changed the status of subtask T356474: decommission db1118.eqiad.wmnet from Stalled to Open.