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Changing coding to gifts made on the Endowment website
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We are making changes to coding for gifts.

Endowment gifts will now be coded as
Financial Type = Cash
Restriction = Endowment Fund
Gift Source = Online Gift

It was just brought to my attention that this would need to be altered in any coding for gifts coming from the Endowment website. Please advise.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. ยท View Herald TranscriptAug 7 2023, 8:53 PM

@NNichols we currently have all those wmf donor fields calculating totals for endowment giving - is it the intent to drop those fields / stop calculating those values?

We probably need to nail that down before making other changes because we don't want to move the data outside the civicrm_contribution table if we ARE using it for calculations going forwards - and if not we should remove the calculations as step 1 probably

No we want to keep calculating those fields. Especially, lifetime donations, or lifetime Endowment donations.

What is the easier path forward?

  1. We go back and retroactively update the coding for ALL Endowment gifts (we'd need to change the restriction field to Endowment Fund) Or
  2. the calculation is changed to use the old coding AND the new coding?

@NNichols we can't consider a custom field when determining wmf_donor fields for performance reason - so the financial_type_id probably needs to stay as Endowment. We can populate the other field as well if need be

@Eileenmcnaughton Makes sense. The plan is definitely to remove Endowment Fund from the financial type and make this indication in the Restrictions field. We'll need to plan how to change this on all Endowment gifts historically.

@Eileenmcnaughton Thanks for talking this through with me and I somewhat understand it all now. I spoke with Erica and Melanie. We'll KEEP Endowment Gift as a financial type for the time being given that WMF Donor fields are calculated using this. Let's explore using Campaign ID in the future perhaps.
Given this development, Endowment Gifts online will be as follows
Financial Type = Endowment Gift
Restriction = Endowment Fund
Gift Source = Online Gift

Change 954084 had a related patch set uploaded (by Damilare Adedoyin; author: Damilare Adedoyin):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Change coding to gifts made on the Endowment website

Change 954084 merged by Eileen:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Change coding to gifts made on the Endowment website

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