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SDS 1.1: Defining Essential Metrics - Data Governance for Core Metrics
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SDS 1.1 KR: Three out of the four core metric areas, provide at least 1 scientifically or empirically supported metric which has a clear definition, calculation, data provenance, versioning, and designated data steward.

Refactored SDS1.1
SDS1.1 KR For three out of the four core metric areas, provide at least 1 metric with documented adherence to essential metric criteria.

"SDS1: Defining essential metrics
Each metric and dimension in our essential metric data set is scientifically or empirically supported, standardized, productionized, and shared across the Foundation.

Context: Effective use of metrics to make strategic decisions at the Foundation requires us to measure and assess the impact of work using a common, reliable, and well-understood set of metrics. Ensuring that different teams working on different projects are using the same metrics with the same definitions to understand the impact of their work will allow us to align efforts across the Foundation, with affiliates, and with communities. These metrics will allow Foundation staff and communities to evaluate proposals for programs and product features and to monitor and evaluate results. And they enable the engineers who support the tools used in data preparation and analysis to deliver a higher standard of service by more precisely defining the scope of their work, making the effort more tractable with our current resourcing. Data is only as useful as it is accessible to users. Our metrics must have maximum accessibility for us to maximize their utility to all audiences.

The focus of Objective 1 is ensuring that our set of metrics are meaningful and reliable, so that leaders and staff understand the metrics and how they connect to their work."

Event Timeline triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 8 2023, 6:25 PM moved this task from Incoming to Current epics on the Movement-Insights board.

We will be closing out Hypothesis SDS1.1.1 soon and creating new hypothesis to work on Relevance, Content and Programmatic Expense ratio.