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Snoozed donor received fundraising email
Closed, ResolvedPublic


CID 22938876 was snoozed using the new feature on 09/21 until 12/31, but they received fundraising email 2 on 10/18.

When you search on the email using the snooze feature it shows as snoozed correctly, but if you go into the Acoustic Data tab, it doesn't have a snooze end date, indicating the snooze didn't make it over to Acoustic (hence the follow up).

This could be anecdotal, but we noticed that the donor did sign up for RML on 10/10 (in Acoustic data is says rml_submitDate = 10/10/2023). Could it be that that opted them back in, somehow overriding the snooze in Acoustic?

Event Timeline

Change 967509 had a related patch set uploaded (by Damilare Adedoyin; author: Damilare Adedoyin):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add Activity to contact profile when snoozed.

Change 967509 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Add Activity to contact profile when snoozed.

Change 968756 had a related patch set uploaded (by Damilare Adedoyin; author: Damilare Adedoyin):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Schedule activity before queueing snooze message.

Change 968799 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eileen; author: Eileen):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Follow up fixes on snooze

Change 968756 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Schedule activity before queueing snooze message.

Change 968799 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Follow up fixes on snooze

Hi team, it appears that the Civi 'snooze' feature isn’t working! I tried to pause Adri's email, CID 56939616, for 60 days, and when I checked both Civi mailing events>acoustic data and the Acoustic console afterward the data did not show the CID as being snoozed, as seen in the screenshots below! Has anything changed since the initial issue here was reported?

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.21.28 PM.png (756×1 px, 79 KB)

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.17.07 PM.png (314×1 px, 36 KB)

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.17.16 PM.png (514×2 px, 105 KB)

Additionally, I tested my CID 61216138 on the old 90-day 'unsubscribe link' and it worked as far as showing the correct data from and at acoustic, however, if you search for the same CID 61216138 under the snooze feature, you will see that there's no indication that it was indeed paused/snoozed!

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.40.37 PM.png (726×1 px, 99 KB)

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.40.49 PM.png (908×1 px, 100 KB)

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 5.43.44 PM.png (740×2 px, 134 KB)

Change 970810 had a related patch set uploaded (by Damilare Adedoyin; author: Damilare Adedoyin):

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Ensure snooze activity is saved in the specified contact when email has duplicates.

@AKanji-WMF and/or @Damilare, are there any updates on this? Is there anything else we can provide? We have donors who donated via check, BT, etc, who need to be snoozed until the next fiscal year and we can’t comply until this feature is working (in the previous campaign we focused on calendar year, not fiscal). Sorry for the additional pressure, and thanks for prioritizing this task!

Hi @SHust , @Damilare is working to diagnose this with the Civi core team - we don't have an update yet but he is actively trying to resolve!

Thanks for the update, we truly appreciate you guys! @AKanji-WMF and @Damilare

@Damilare @SHust I managed to figure out the blockage - it seems the job fails if the snooze date is not in the future. When I looked at the queue items it was trying to process I found 4 items that had non-future dates. These were all clearly tests as they were on the records of your good selves & Adriana. I deleted those records & they started processing again and all the real records cleared out.

I think those queue items got messed up during a code deploy change & just hung around causing problems so it should be working now. However, I note that @Damilare has logged a new phab for better recovery when something goes wrong

Note this is the error I managed to capture

Nov 7 02:28:27 civi1002 civicrm.queue[1166447]: civicrm.queue.ERROR: Task "omni-snooze#366921" failed and should be retried. Request failed: Recipient must be existing, and OPTED IN or SNOOZED, and either RESUME_SEND_DATE or DAYS_TO_SNOOZE must be specified. Recipient: , Days to snooze: -1

I'm gonna do some further notes & documentation for fr-tech but probably this phab can be closed

Thanks @Eileenmcnaughton for catching that message and clearing the queue. We can close this phab but there's one outstanding patch that could do with some review in order to ensure the Activity shows on the specified contact. Here's the patch:

Here's the phab for handling failing tasks.

Thanks, guys, for all the work and the update. I'll have our team test the link and reach out if we run into any issues!

Change 970810 merged by jenkins-bot:

[wikimedia/fundraising/crm@master] Ensure snooze activity is saved in the specified contact when email has duplicates.

Ejegg subscribed.

Looks like the last fix on this got deployed yesterday

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 4.