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Migrate archiva to Debian bullseye (or bookworm)
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Reference ticket from the upgrade to Buster: T252767: Move Archiva to Debian Buster

We currently run on a single VM.


The process last time was to create a new VM and run this as and then run the two systems in parallel for a little bit, until we could switch and run the old system as for a while.

The download page for Archiva ( still states that for the latest version (2.2.10) JDK version 1.8 is a requirement, but it's not 100% clear whether or not this is a minimum version, or whether Java 11 might be expected to work. This may play a part in determining whether we select bullseye or bookworm.

There are a couple of other open tickets relevant to Archiva, which may be relevant to the upgrade process and the strategy choosen:

I would expect that Data-Platform-SRE will be carrying out the work, but we need to make sure that everyone who uses Archiva knows about the change.