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Proposal: Addressing the Lusophone Technological Wishlist proposals
Open, Needs TriagePublic


proposal for


Name: Alwoch Sophia
IRC: Alwoch Sophia
location: Kampala, Uganda
Typical working hours: 8am-5pm UTC+3 hours


The Lusophone technological wishlist, in the lusophone Wiki context, is a survey that intends to understand which are the technological innovations and the tools and platforms that could be modified to improve user experience, that is, to identify and prioritize the most basic needs of the community of editors, readers and researchers of the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese, so they have a more productive and pleasant experience.

The creation of the list is related to the recommendations 2 and 9 of the Wikimedia Movement Strategy 2030, respectively Improve User Experience and Innovate in Free Knowledge. The list's objective is to integrate the Portuguese-speaking communities in a strategic and collaborative process that acts towards research and identification of technological bottlenecks in the lusophone projects that prevent or hinder the entry and permanence of new and veteran editors, readers and researchers of the Wikimedia projects in Portuguese.

After the voting of the proposals by the community, we published the compiled list of the most desired technological wishes and are now proposing a new Outreachy project, focused on resolving one or more wishes of the published list. That mostly means developing scripts and editing templates on Wiki, also with a track for developing web applications.




Week 1 (Dec 4th-8th, 2023)ntroduction meeting with mentors, discussing the Lusophone technological Wishlist and the project timeline, making changes if necessary. Brain-storm features for the broken links tool and add project tasks to Phabricator. Study documentation on the use of Media Wiki API to understand how to fetch links, extract their pages and their content. Write and publish blog post 1: "Introduction"
Week 2 (Dec 10-15, 2023)Start development of the tool that lists broken links on a page. Initial project setup: set up databases, logging and deployment on toolforge. Set up documentation for the tool. Study tools that will be used for example HeaderProxy for CORS
Week 3 (Dec 17-22, 2023)Start writing the script, set options for modes of operation; whether the tool should run through all pages or on demand. Carry out testing and make changes. Update the documentation on the use of the script and its mode of operation. Write and publish blog post 2: "Every body struggles"
Week 4 (Dec 25-29, 2023)Christmas / End of year holiday
Week 5 (Jan 2-5, 2024)Write function for checking for dead links and set up caching for the links and their results. Add functionality to re-check the links after 24 hours of caching. Write and publish blog post 3: "Think about your audience"
Week 6 (Jan 8-12, 2024)Stage I Performance evaluation of the tool. Making performance adjustments if necessary
Week 7 (Jan 15-19, 2024)Add an icon to mark dead links within an article and display the status code and description of the error. Create a modal to Indicate the count of dead links found on the page and If no dead links have been found, let the user know that no dead links were found. Mark the page as okay with an icon. Write and publish mid point progress blog post.
Week 8 (Jan 22-26, 2024)Improve user experience, add a loading spinner to update the user on the status of checking links. Finalize documentation of the tool
Week 9 (Jan 29-Feb 2, 2024)Stage II performance evaluation and testing of the tool, Making performance adjustment of the tool, Usability testing. Write and publish blog post 4: "Career opportunities"
Week 10 (Feb 4-9, 2024)Start re-activating the Internet Archive Bot on Portuguese Wikipedia. Study internet Archive Bot documentation. set up an email to receive notifications for Activity on the bot
Week 11 (Feb 11-16, 2024)Review existing archive templates, Set up new template maps for the bot to be able to write to, Run the bot on different pages while studying its activity log and any false positives
Week 12 (Feb 19-23, 2024)Continue studying the bot’s activity logs, enable the bot. Work on my resume
Week 13 (Feb 26-Mar 1, 2024)Code clean up and documentation,Hand over, Write final progress blog post
Post-Outreachy periodContinue contributing to the wikimedia organization