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Upgrade Cassandra to 4.1.5
Open, MediumPublic


Cassandra 4.1.5 —release date TBD— contains a fix that may resolve read timeouts during node decommissions, that seem to impact us (see: T360548: Cassandra quorum read timeouts during node decommissions).

Cassandra 4.1.4 —tentatively scheduled for next week— contains a fix for a streaming bug (CASSANDRA-18733) that seems to be effecting us (see: T352469: Decommission restbase20[13-20])).

See also:

CASSANDRA-18733: Waiting indefinitely on ReceivedMessage response in StreamSession#receive() can cause deadlock
CASSANDRA-19120: local consistencies may get timeout if blocking read repair is sending the read repair mutation to other DC

Event Timeline

By way of update:

Cassandra 4.1.4 has not yet been released (ETA is still Real Soon Now™). As a contingency plan for T352469, I've uploaded a version of 4.1.1 (4.1.4-wmf1) with the fix for CASSANDRA-18733 backported.

Eevans triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 22 2024, 5:44 PM
Eevans renamed this task from Upgrade Cassandra to 4.1.4 to Upgrade Cassandra to 4.1.5.Apr 3 2024, 7:20 PM
Eevans updated the task description. (Show Details)