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Remove use of themeStyles in VueTest
Closed, DeclinedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


We would like to remove the themeStyles feature from CodexModule, but VueTest still uses it to load the demos. We'll have to find some sort of way to load the right file without using themeStyles, perhaps using a custom package file contents callback.

Event Timeline

Catrope renamed this task from Remove use of `themeStyles` to Remove use of `themeStyles` in VueTest.Jan 25 2024, 1:02 AM
Catrope renamed this task from Remove use of `themeStyles` in VueTest to Remove use of themeStyles in VueTest.
Catrope added a project: Design-System-Team.
Catrope set the point value for this task to 2.Jan 25 2024, 1:08 AM
CCiufo-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 25 2024, 4:01 PM
CCiufo-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Design-System-Team board.

Per yesterday's discussion, I think the best solution is to simply archive/decommission the Vuetest extension all together. Everything that we created this extension to do has been surpassed (or will be surpassed) by something else:

  • For example Vue and Codex code that other developers can study, use CodexExample
  • For visual regression testing, running Pixel against the Codex sandbox page is a better approach – there is too much noise with the Pixel tests when they run inside MW, due to other changes in skins/extensions/core.

What would "killing Vuetest" entail?

  • Mark the Gerrit repo as archived/read-only, or even just delete it all together. Not sure what we generally do here or who has the necessary privileges.
  • Update the MW Page for this extension to indicate that it is no longer active (should probably point folks to CodexExample instead)
  • Remove all documentation references to VueTest and update the links to point to CodexExample; this search is a good place to start
  • Remove VueTest from any WMF-wide Pixel configuration that is currently deployed (again, not clear who has the authority to do this).

Change 1003117 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eric Gardner; author: Eric Gardner):

[mediawiki/extensions/VueTest@master] Remove Codex demos from VueTest

Reopening so that we can consider doing this as a faster way to unblock T355842 (rather than blocking that task on the full decommissioning of VueTest).

Reopening so that we can consider doing this as a faster way to unblock T355842 (rather than blocking that task on the full decommissioning of VueTest).

T355842 is now do we want to keep this task open?

Yeah we can close this, this turned out not to be as necessary as I thought.

Change 1003117 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/VueTest@master] Remove Codex demos from VueTest