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Develop summary infographics for internal metric reporting
Open, MediumPublic


Foundation staff are interested in regular updates on our high-level metrics. Currently, we share written updates at a 'medium' level of detail via the #insights-and-data Slack channel. If we develop an accompanying summary that shares basic updates on our metrics at a 'low' level of detail and share it with the larger audience of the # general channel we can allow more Foundation staff to engage with our topline metrics.

The task: Investigate a method for visually presenting a 'low' detail version of our executive summary in partnership with visual designers on the brand team. Ideally, we can develop an easy to update infographic template that can be shared on the # general channel and link back to our more detailed metric updates on #insights-and-data.

How to start the collaboration with brand/visual designers - From Zach McCune (Dir. Brand)

If you send an email with a super simple description of this idea to it will enter the work in the Comms Queue. Then Einav (our creative director) and I can follow up to have a formal meeting and get things made