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Wikidata as a universal lexical resource
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Explore the ingestion and the proper representation in Wikidata lexical entries for other lexical resources such as Propbank ( and VerbNet (

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Hi @Arademaker,

Kindly use this Project Proposal Template to edit your project proposal.

Thank you,

'universal' != 'English' or 'English-centric' (which the UVI and its components are); I cannot support giving this as a task (even if it is modified to use the suggested template) without expanding its scope to multiple languages further removed from English (by which I mean those that are either 1) not Indo-European or 2) not primarily spoken on the European continent).

I agree with @Mahir256 that the focus needs to be universal. I am sorry for this late reply. I am over-committed this year to work on these ideas. I suggested the project, hoping for engagement from the community, but I was not aiming to lead the effort.