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[vrts] Investigate ticket archiving
Open, MediumPublic


Currently we do not archive old tickets. We believe this would improve overall search performance by reducing the search space. We can configure otrs to archive tickets that have been closed for longer than a given period.

To test this, we're going to set up the test instance to archive tickets that have been closed for longer than 1 year, and compare the full text search performance, and index sizes.

After we gather some data, if we decide we should move forward we would need to consult with the volunteers to ensure their workflows won't be interrupted.

Event Timeline

I've configured a GenericAdmin job to archive tickets that were closed more than a year ago, this runs twice an hour. I'm going to leave this running and start looking at results on Thursday. I believe the article_search_index table is the one that the search functions use, before archival this is 8937mb in size.

eoghan triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 20 2024, 11:41 PM
eoghan moved this task from Incoming to Work in Progress on the collaboration-services board.

@eoghan Does ticket archiving make the tickets inaccessible from the web interface? If so, we can't do that as that will break permissions links.

@Matthewrbowker That's one of the things we're intending to establish before we make any kind of recommendation to the VRT team in terms of cost/benefit. I believe that this will not affect permalinks to tickets, and tickets will still be searchable, as far as I can see the only change will be that to search for archived tickets the user may need to add an "archived" attribute to the search form.

eoghan moved this task from Work in Progress to Backlog on the collaboration-services board.

Moving this back to the backlog for the moment, it's not something we expect to do right now. Before we consider this, we'll need to get some input from the community about their workflow and how they typically use the service.

Primarily, we'll be looking to see if the majority of searches will encompass archived tickets, or un-archived tickets. If it's more common to search archived/historical tickets (let's say anything over a year old) then there's probably not much benefit to us enabling archiving. On the other hand, if the majority of searches are for relatively recent tickets, then it would make sense to do this.

Archived tickets do not become lost/unsearchable, there is simply an option in the search field (that is hidden while ticket archiving is disabled) to include or exclude archived tickets in the search.

Once we have done some other work on vrts, we'll revisit this ticket and consult with the vrts users to get their opinions and feedback.