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[M] New feature announcement modal for Image Recommendations iOS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create the new feature announcement modal according to the figma reference

image.png (667×375 px, 33 KB)

  • Appears the first time someone opens that app after the feature has been added.
  • Tapping 'Try now' takes you directly to the image recommendations.
  • Closing removes the announcement.
  • Announcement should only be shown to users with at least 50 edits in the language they are editing
  • Check if the wiki has the suggested edits task before displaying

Testing Notes

Please test in TestFlight Wikipedia app 7.5.0 (3509).

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up next on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
Tsevener renamed this task from [M] New feature announcement modal for Image Recommendations iOS to New feature announcement modal for Image Recommendations iOS.Mar 5 2024, 9:04 PM
Tsevener renamed this task from New feature announcement modal for Image Recommendations iOS to [M] New feature announcement modal for Image Recommendations iOS.Apr 17 2024, 9:22 PM
Tsevener claimed this task.

@OTichonova Experimental #114 is kicked off for design review on this one.

I was able to save some time by reusing the system half sheet modal component for this one. I wasn't sure what you wanted to do for iPad, but I found an easy way to use popovers for them (source: Let me know what you think!

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 10.48.45 PM (1×565 px, 262 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 10.47.23 PM (2×1 px, 1 MB)

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11.37.57 PM (867×1 px, 390 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 11.35.28 PM (1×770 px, 503 KB)

Hi @Tsevener, thank you for the screenshots for iPad. It is a pretty cool use of popovers, looks good!

Small detail:

  1. The designs have a slightly different sf symbol ->
Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 17.12.57.png (240×346 px, 13 KB)

@OTichonova ah good catch, sorry I missed that! Here are some screenshots of the latest:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 11.46.54 AM (1×559 px, 252 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 11.47.43 AM (1×559 px, 292 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 11.53.01 AM (1×747 px, 490 KB)

Can be tested on the latest Wikipedia Beta version 7.5.0 (3509)

For this requirement:
Appears the first time someone opens that app after the feature has been added.

I'm seeing this behavior for these situations:
A) On initial use after reinstall now, no announcement
B) After minimizing and reopening app, it does not appear on Explore feed immediately, it appears after I navigate away and then back to Explore feed.
C) After another reinstall, on initial use, no announcement. After fully closing and reopening, it appears immediately on Explore feed on open

@Tsevener is that as expected? This is ok, but it would be more ideal to have it display on the initial explore feed for A and B as well.

@HNordeenWMF Yeah it's a little weird, I may be able to improve it. The current logic I have in the code is: upon Explore feed appearance (this includes tapping to show the tab, or landing on it after first launch, but NOT considering foregrounding after backgrounding the app), if the suggested edits card is in the Explore feed, show the modal, if there isn't already a modal displaying. So it will appear to fail task requirements in these situations:

  1. I notice sometimes I see a "Sync is enabled on your account" modal that pops up after the app logs the user in. The system rejects new modals presenting from the Explore feed if it's already presenting a modal. I think we should keep this so we avoid any double-modal situation.
  2. Sometimes it takes time for the suggested edits card to appear in the Explore feed. This is because behind-the-scenes we are checking their edit count, blocked status, and if their primary app language wiki has image recommendations. These calls can take several seconds, so at the time of Explore feed appearance we aren't sure yet whether the user qualifies to see the feature. I could try to present it when the card is inserted, but I wasn't sure if we wanted to potentially interrupt what they were doing in the Explore feed if it's been a while.
  3. I am not attempting to present the modal upon foregrounding. I should be able to easily add this one.

Let me know what you think! Thanks.

  1. I notice sometimes I see a "Sync is enabled on your account" modal that pops up after the app logs the user in. The system rejects new modals presenting from the Explore feed if it's already presenting a modal. I think we should keep this so we avoid any double-modal situation.

Agree! I was closing the Sync dialog each time so that must be why it was not showing on initial launch. After closing the dialog and navigating away and back to explore feed, I see the announcement.

  1. Sometimes it takes time for the suggested edits card to appear in the Explore feed. This is because behind-the-scenes we are checking their edit count, blocked status, and if their primary app language wiki has image recommendations. These calls can take several seconds, so at the time of Explore feed appearance we aren't sure yet whether the user qualifies to see the feature. I could try to present it when the card is inserted, but I wasn't sure if we wanted to potentially interrupt what they were doing in the Explore feed if it's been a while.

I agree we don't want to interrupt.

  1. I am not attempting to present the modal upon foregrounding. I should be able to easily add this one.

(That's what that is called, now I'll know the difference open vs foreground, close vs background!) That would be nice to add if there's capacity, for folks that never fully close apps. I am assuming this would present the modal once to people on first foregrounding it after the feature has been added, or first opening the app after it was closed but never both.

HNordeenWMF claimed this task.
HNordeenWMF changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.May 7 2024, 10:22 PM