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[S] Create Empty view for Image Recs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create view for when there are no image recommendations available according to figma reference

image.png (667×375 px, 18 KB)

It should be displayed if:

  • The user runs out of tasks

Notes for QA

This one is difficult to test, as it is unlikely our tester accounts will have 50+ edits on a Wiki with very few image recommendations. In our Experimental build 7.4.11 (116), we are forcing the build to ignore the 50+ edits and image recommendations rule for the Explore card to show up. On that build you can set Test Wikipedia as your primary language. Test Wikipedia does not have any image recommendations, so when you tap the card you will see the empty state.

Event Timeline

@OTichonova if something goes wrong (API fails, user has no connection, etc), what message should we display?

JTannerWMF renamed this task from [S] Create Empty view for Image Recs to Create Empty view for Image Recs.Mar 5 2024, 8:57 PM

Lets repeat the same pattern as Watchlist and other features.

JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up next on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.

Eng sync:

We think we should hide the tooltips option from overflow menu during this empty state.

Tsevener renamed this task from Create Empty view for Image Recs to [S] Create Empty view for Image Recs.Mar 28 2024, 5:58 PM

@cmadeo This will be available in Experimental build #103 for design review. See PR for test steps.

@cmadeo There is a new Experimental build #104 for testing this. This build removes the 50+ user edit requirement, so that you can more easily see the entry point in the Explore feed.

Hello @Tsevener, not sure who to tag but I'm assuming it is you.

This screen looks good to me, but I do have one thing to point out because I'm not sure if it is just a device difference or if it needs fixing.
What text size (and line height) was used for the "Try coming back later" message?

From my screenshot it seems smaller than what was designed. In the design file, that text is 17px with a line height of 20px.
If it is not that, than it needs to be adjusted. If it is, ignore as it might just be a screen size adaptation.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 14.08.45.png (1×1 px, 126 KB)

@GLima-WMF Good catch - that was the wrong font. I kicked off a new experimental build #106 to design review this change. To test, go to Settings > My languages, and add "Test" as your primary app language. Tapping the Explore feed card after that should show you the new empty state.

This change tweaks an existing component that is also used in Watchlist. I am pasting screenshots of the changes to confirm:


Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.49.05 PM (1×559 px, 217 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.48.44 PM (1×559 px, 206 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.48.30 PM (1×559 px, 201 KB)


Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.33.48 PM (1×559 px, 219 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.33.55 PM (1×559 px, 207 KB)

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 4.47.33 PM (1×559 px, 201 KB)

Can be tested on the latest Wikipedia Beta version 7.5.0 (3509)

Tsevener added a subscriber: ABorbaWMF.

@ABorbaWMF This one may be difficult to trigger in Wikipedia 7.5.0 (3509). Please see task description for an alternative way to test this.

HNordeenWMF claimed this task.
HNordeenWMF changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.May 7 2024, 10:21 PM