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[S] Suppress VoiceOver support for Image Recs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Why are we doing this?

Prevent a negative experience in the Image Recs feature for VoiceOver users.
We'll rethink this approach when we have more input.

  • Hide explore feed card and card settings
  • Hide New feature announcement modal.

Testing Notes

Please test in TestFlight Wikipedia app 7.5.0 (3509).

Event Timeline

Hi @HNordeenWMF two things to consider:

  • We do not have alt-text information for the image recommendations.
  • Image descriptions, when available, could be in any language, not necessarily the language of the wiki the user is working on. The Commons page might have descriptions in several languages, but there's no way we can be sure one matches the task language.

thanks @Mazevedo!

We do not have alt-text information for the image recommendations.

Do you mean that if an image already has alt text as part of its commons page (I know it's a small percentage), we do not plan on populating that into the Alt text box in "Add image details" ? I had added it as a requirement on T358917 to populate Alt Text in the off chance an image has it already, but let me know if you don't think it's possible.

JTannerWMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 19 2024, 6:28 PM
JTannerWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Up next on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.

@HNordeenWMF just updating the ticket with the info @JTannerWMF shared for future considerations: We don't bring alt text here from other sources because it needs to be contextual to the article.
As for adding alt text on this screen T358917, it's completely possible, and the app already does that, so we're good on adding to the article on that part of the feature.

@HNordeenWMF We had some discussion about this ticket in engineering sync. This is an unusual feature that is heavily dependent on being able to know what an image contains for acceptance / rejection. Since we won't yet have article alt-text for the image and we can't lean on the Commons alt-text (as discussed in, should we allow this feature at all for VoiceOver users?

One thing to note is that VoiceOver does have an "Image Descriptions" option in the device settings. It uses an Apple ML model to speak descriptions of an image to the user. Unfortunately I don't think I can access that setting programmatically. This would be useful if we wanted to hide the feature for VoiceOver users, unless they have image descriptions enabled.

Will check back in with @JTannerWMF on Thursday (4/16) about this.

Fiona wasn't able to make our meeting because she was sick. So this can be unblocked, lets make the feature not viewable to someone with an assistive device. However, if I talk to Fiona next week and she advises against this, i will create a spin off ticket focused on adding in voice over support for the feature.

Mazevedo renamed this task from VoiceOver support for Image Recs to Suppress VoiceOver support for Image Recs.Apr 25 2024, 3:20 PM
Mazevedo updated the task description. (Show Details)
Tsevener renamed this task from Suppress VoiceOver support for Image Recs to [S] Suppress VoiceOver support for Image Recs.Apr 25 2024, 5:02 PM

Can be tested on the latest Wikipedia Beta version 7.5.0 (3509)

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

I believe this is working because I saw Add an Image disappear once I turned on VO, however, it is difficult to check due to this ticket T364054

Moving to sign off on 7.5.0 (3550)

I opened the App with VoiceOver on and did not see the explore feed card, or the announcement.

HNordeenWMF claimed this task.
HNordeenWMF changed the task status from Unknown Status to Resolved.May 7 2024, 10:18 PM