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Communication around scaling "add an image" to 10 more Wikipedias
Open, MediumPublic


User story:

As a new editor, I want an easy, structured way to complete my first edits, because getting started editing is difficult!

Background info:

Now that Add an Image analysis is complete and we are confident that the task helps improve new editor activation, we should scale the task to more Wikipedias.

List of ten wikis this task relates to:

Selection criteria:

  • small to medium wikis
  • wikis with a low number of suggested edits available

List of wikis

  1. ckb
  2. frr
  3. hy
  4. jv
  5. ku
  6. ne
  7. pa
  8. simple
  9. sq
  10. sk

Backup wikis to consider scaling to if any of the above don't pass QA for data quality:

  • nlwiki
  • cewiki
  • thwiki
  • lvwiki

Related: T364374: Prepare image suggestions for a new set of Wikipedias

Acceptance criteria:

  • Growth PM + CRS decide on list of the next 10 wikis to scale "add an image" to & set release date
  • Growth PM asks the Structured Content team (who owns the image data pipeline) to review the release data and list of wikis
  • Completion of T364374: Prepare image suggestions for a new set of Wikipedias
  • CRS communicates with the 10 new wikis and helps suggest ways the Community can use Community Configuration to customize the feature
  • Engineers release the "add an image" task as enabled to the 10 wikis selected T360060


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.
KStoller-WMF created this task.
KStoller-WMF updated Other Assignee, added: KStoller-WMF.
KStoller-WMF moved this task from Inbox to Up Next on the Growth-Team board.
KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Scale "add an image" to 10 more Wikipedias to Communication around scaling "add an image" to 10 more Wikipedias.Mar 13 2024, 6:35 PM

@KStoller-WMF I added the list. I based it on the number of suggested edits available besides Add a link.

Thanks, @Trizek-WMF. I'll check in with the Structured Content team.