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Invisible TemplateStyles objects in the visual editor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After implementing template styles in Шаблон:Singlechart and Шаблон:Albumchart, this appeared in the visual editor in every use of these templates:

изображение.png (985×862 px, 138 KB)

The screenshot is from this article.

Smaller test case:

Event Timeline

matmarex subscribed.

Looks like things are leaking out of transclusions.

The cells are generated by transclusions so shouldn't be editable at all, which I think is the problem.

The <th> and adjacent <td> are correctly about-grouped together by Parsoid, but the <td> is not being picked up as part of the table cell in VE.

It looks like the problem here is that there is whitespace (a linebreak) between the two about-grouped table cells, which VE doesn't handle.

The DOM spec doesn't talk specifically about "next sibling" or "next element sibling" in reference to about-grouping:

The examples use formatted HTML with whitespace, but presumably just for legibility.

Is this something we should handle, or will Parsing "fix" this?

That looks like a Parsoid bug - text nodes (whitespace included) should typically get span-wrapped so they get an about-id. There shouldn't be any discontinuity in about ids.

That looks like a Parsoid bug - text nodes (whitespace included) should typically get span-wrapped so they get an about-id. There shouldn't be any discontinuity in about ids.

	 * The only exception to this adjacency rule is IEW nodes in
	 * fosterable positions (in tables) which are not span-wrapped to
	 * prevent them from getting fostered out.

From WTUtils::getAboutSiblings()

This has been the case in template wrapping since 2013,

However, in some circumstances, we expand the range (empty content in fosterable position),
or move content into an element to avoid expanding the range,
but, at quick glance, both of those only concern themselves with the start of range and not whether content in fosterable positions exist across the range.

Presumably, we want to check that, expand the range if necessary and assert that we aren't adding span wrappers in fosterable positions, rather than just omitting them,

Change #1023552 had a related patch set uploaded (by Arlolra; author: Arlolra):

[mediawiki/services/parsoid@master] [WIP] Expand tpl range if content in fosterable position

ABreault-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.
ABreault-WMF added a project: Essential-Work.

Change #1023552 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/services/parsoid@master] Template Wrapping: Delete whitespace/comments in fosterable positions

Change #1038449 had a related patch set uploaded (by Arlolra; author: Arlolra):

[mediawiki/vendor@master] Bump wikimedia/parsoid to 0.20.0-a6

Change #1038449 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/vendor@master] Bump wikimedia/parsoid to 0.20.0-a6

Post-deploy and purging, the table cells in the example no longer appear with the templatestyles. But an extra column appears in the table, and in the smaller test case from the description as well.

Post-deploy and purging, the table cells in the example no longer appear with the templatestyles. But an extra column appears in the table, and in the smaller test case from the description as well.

I had a look at why this happens, and I filed T366984: When one transclusion generates multiple table cells, VE counts it as a single table cell, and adds slugs for "missing" cells for it. I think that should be treated as a separate problem, and we can call the original problem fixed.