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Table: Remove redundant announcements of column and row headers in VoiceOver
Closed, DeclinedPublic


When using VoiceOver in Chrome, all table headings (except for the one in the first column) are announced twice. This is also the case for row headings. The issue can be reproduced in all table demos (e.g., the sortable table too).

Acceptance criteria

  • Column and row headings are only announced once in VoiceOver

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Unfortunately, this also appears to be default browser/VO behavior - try it out with the APG example. I don't think there's much we can do here :/

Indeed! Thank you, @AnneT. I'm finding a lot of unsolved threads and tickets reporting the same issue. Apparently there's no workaround for this problem. I reported it to the Chromium team.

This ticket could be closed, if that sounds good.

Att. @CCiufo-WMF

@Sarai-WMDE sounds good, and thank you for reporting this!