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Inform users that their Bugzilla tag entries and votes will not be transfered to Phab
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...and that some URLs will break as we cannot map every Bugzilla URL parameter (see T65).

We/I should inform widely so people can complain beforehand. ;)

Note, the instructions sent to users require a phabricator functionality which does not exist yet: T618#18534. Before the migration day, users could migrate their votes without manual steps (T618#22582), but that's no longer possible.



Event Timeline

flimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Sep 12 2014, 1:47 AM
flimport set Reference to fl583.

T497 is about personal tags.

Should we send an email to all the users that voted? Mmm this surely affects more users. If people can still access to their votes in read-only mode, then we can save one email before the launch. If not, then perhaps we could mention this in the emails sent for T618: Send two email notifications to active Bugzilla users asking them to join Phabricator

I don't think extra e-mails need sending and could just be mentioned in T618.

Agreed. There is a mention to votes in the draft of the first email to be sent to the 2606 most recent active users. See T618.

Does not migrating votes mean that I will not be subscribed to tickets whose Bugzilla originals I have voted on? That would be really annoying, voting was the sanest way of managing a watchlist in Bugzilla, I am sure a lot of people have used it for that purpose.

@Tgr: Votes were used in many different ways as it was never clear what votes were meant for. You could save a local copy of your votes and award tokens to those tasks once they are imported to Phabricator. As written before, there is unfortunately no simple way to turn votes into tokens as Bugzilla since version 4.0 does not even offer API to query for votes.

The most common use case for voting I've always heard is a non-notifying watchlist of sorts (ie: I care about this bug and want to be able to find it again, but don't want to get e-mail on it).

I don't know of any Phabricator equivalent to that workflow really. Maybe a combination of flags and tokens? But yeah, like Andre says there's no real way to migrate them.

In T390#11254, @Chad wrote:

The most common use case for voting I've always heard is a non-notifying watchlist of sorts (ie: I care about this bug and want to be able to find it again, but don't want to get e-mail on it).

flags are this exactly as far as I understand it, or at least that is how I use them

Tgr said:

Does not migrating votes mean that I will not be subscribed to tickets whose Bugzilla originals I have voted on?

I note this question wasn't answered explicitly. I also didn't remember reading an answer in the email I received per T618; I've read it again and it doesn't say I need to subscribe manually. So I assume subscription is migrated?

Personally I'll save on my hard disk, but only a fraction of users will be able to do so. I wouldn't mind receiving a copy of such an HTML list by email.

In T390#11229, @Tgr wrote:

Does not migrating votes mean that I will not be subscribed to tickets whose Bugzilla originals I have voted on?

You will not be subscribed. As covered in T264, there is no API to get votes (removed in Bugzilla 4.0) and hence no way to find out who voted on which tickets and add those voters to tickets again. currently states "We do not automatically CC voters when migrating."

OMG that's a pain! This means that thousands of bugs will suddenly become hopeless trash because the only interested people will vanish from them...

As covered in T264, there is no API to get votes (removed in Bugzilla 4.0) and hence no way to find out who voted on which tickets and add those voters to tickets again.

"No way" seems an overstatement. Surely the data can be extracted by a DB query and the DB query used to populate the phabricator instance, after the main import if necessary?

Surely the data can be extracted by a DB query and the DB query used to populate the phabricator instance, after the main import if necessary?

True. currently states "Potentially we could investigate converting votes after Day 1 from the database (also low priority)."

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