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Page move rollback doesn't work
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Author: dbenbenn

Page move rollback always fails with the message "Cannot revert edit; last
contributor is only author of this page." even when that is not the case. For
example, [[Commons:User:Fred chessplayer]] moved [[Commons:Lennart Torstenson]]
to [[Commons:Torstenson, Lennart]]. Even though that page was started by
someone else, the move can't be rolled back.

Version: 1.6.x
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 8:55 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz3909.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

robchur wrote:

Rollback is designed to undo a contributor's edits to a page, not to undo
actions such as move. To undo a move, just move the page back to its old name;
the software will allow such an action without complaining or needing
administrator intervention.

dbenbenn wrote:

(In reply to comment #1)

Rollback is designed to undo a contributor's edits to a page, not to undo
actions such as move. To undo a move, just move the page back to its old name;
the software will allow such an action without complaining or needing
administrator intervention.

Perhaps you're unaware, but a somewhat new feature of MediaWiki is page-move
rollback. If you are an administrator at the Commons, then

contains "rollback" links next to the page move entries. These links don't
work. Of course, it's possible to simply move a page back manually; the purpose
of the rollback is to make that process faster.

You want the special move-rollback links in the page move log (Special:Log/move).

dbenbenn wrote:

Oh, alright. That's a bit confusing. Perhaps the meaningless "rollback" links
next to page moves in Special:Contributions can be either 1) removed, or 2)
turned into page-move "revert" links.