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Media viewer should ignore duplicate images in a sequence
Open, LowPublic


When an article includes the same image in a sequence multiple times, it should exclude exact duplicates from the next/previous sequence. This isn't very common; election articles seem to be one of the more frequent cases, e.g.:,_2012

Version: master
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 3:42 AM
bzimport added a project: MediaViewer.
bzimport set Reference to bz67917.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I suggest to mark this as a bug, not a feature request. Main argument: It's not possible to go back to the articles section when viewing an image. With this possibility it would make sense to show all images, even duplicates. Without this possibility it does not.

The main problem with this is that different instances of the image might have different captions. Is it OK to skip a caption?

(In reply to Thiemo Mättig from comment #1)

It's not possible to go back to the articles section when viewing an image.

Can you clarify what do you mean by that?

(In reply to Tisza Gergő from comment #2)

Is it OK to skip a caption?

Sure, why not? The purpose of the Viewer is not to enlarge captions, right? The caption is only a secondary element on the Viewers screen. The captions are still in the article. Nothing is lost if you skip one.

It's not possible to go back to the articles section when viewing an image.

Can you clarify what do you mean by that?

Let's say I use the Viewer to look at an image with a very short caption. The caption does not explain much. Based on what I see in the Viewer I can't understand why this image is in the article. I need to read the corresponding section next to the image to understand what the image means, why it was put there and what it should tell me. But there is no way to jump to the section that belongs to the image.

This "ripping out of context" is a problem for every image. As far as I can see this is one of the main reasons why experienced users don't like the Viewer. It is especially a problem when the Viewer shows the same image twice and the reason why I'm mentioning it here.

CC-ing Pau; this seems somewhat tricky for UX insights. What happens when someone directly clicks on the thumbnail which is left out from the sequence? We would presumably still want to show prev/next buttons, but then pressing next and then prev would not take you back to the clicked image. Or we could make the sequence depend on which image you have clicked (which would require some refactoring of how thumbnails are collected from the article).

(In reply to Thiemo Mättig from comment #3)

But there is no way to jump to the section that belongs to the image.

Do you think that would be worth fixing, independent from this bug? Technically it would be very easy. UX-wise I am not sure if it is important enough to offset the mental cost of adding another control.

Mass-removing the Multimedia tag from MediaViewer tasks, as this is now being worked on by the Reading department, not Editing's Multimedia team.

Jdlrobson lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Jan 29 2016, 5:25 PM
Jdlrobson subscribed.